Welcome to Industricart, By visiting our website and accessing the information, resources & products, we provide, you understand and agree to accept and adhere to the following terms and conditions as stated in this policy (hereafter referred to as ‘User Agreement’).
When You use the Website or send emails or other data, information or communication to us, You agree and understand that You are communicating with Us through electronic records and You consent to receive communications via electronic records from Us periodically and as and when required. We may communicate with you by email or by such other mode of communication, electronic or otherwise.

Industricart, reserves the right to change or revise the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time by posting any changes or a revised Agreement on this Website. The changed or revised Agreement will be effective immediately after it is posted on this Website. Your use of the Website following the posting of any such changes or of a revised Agreement will constitute your acceptance of any such changes or revisions. encourages you to review this Agreement whenever you visit the Website to make sure that you understand the terms and conditions governing use of the Website. This Agreement does not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other written agreement.
⁃ By using this Website or Registering for services with us, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by this Agreement and all terms and conditions on this Website.
⁃ This Website offers certain services. By registering for our services through this Website, you agree to the terms set forth in this Agreement.
⁃ Industricart will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages in connection with this agreement or the products in any manner, including liabilities resulting from
⁃ (1) the use or the inability to use the website content or products;
⁃ (2) the cost of procuring substitute products or content;
⁃ (3) any products purchased or obtained or transactions entered into through the website; or
⁃ (4) any lost profits you allege.
⁃ Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages so some of the above limitations may not apply to you.
⁃ Industricartentire liability, and your exclusive remedy, in law, or otherwise, with respect to the website content and products and/or for any breach of this agreement is solely limited to the amount you paid, less shipping and handling, for products purchased via the website. Through this Website, you agree to the terms set forth in this Agreement.
⁃ If you purchase any Products or Services, you will be responsible for paying any applicable taxes.
⁃Industricart is not responsible for any damages resulting from use of this website by anyone. You will not use the Website for illegal purposes. You will (1) abide by all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations in your use of the Website (including laws regarding intellectual property), (2) not interfere with or disrupt the use of the Website by other users, (4) not engage, directly or indirectly, in transmission of “spam”, chain letters, junk mail or any other type of unsolicited communication, and (5) not defame, harass, abuse, or disrupt other users or owners of the Website.
⁃ By using this Website, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the content and materials on the Website in connection with your normal, commercial, use of the Website. You may not copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, or create derivative works of such content or information without express written authorization from Industricart or the applicable third party (if third party content is at issue).
⁃ Industricart will not be deemed in default hereunder or held responsible for any cessation, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder due to earthquake, flood, fire, storm, natural disaster, act of God, war, terrorism, armed conflict, labor strike, lockout, or boycott.
Prices for products are described on our Website and are incorporated into these terms and Conditions by reference. All prices are in Indian rupees. Prices, Products and Services may change at our discretion. Price shown on each product is exclusive of Tax. As there are different taxes on different category of products, tax percentage will be shown on cart page and invoice next to the product name and quantity. These taxes will be calculated and shown in the bottom of Cart after subtotal and cart button after subtotal on top right of website.
Exactness Not Guaranteed
We hereby disclaims any guarantees of exactness as to the finish and appearance of the final Product as ordered by the user. The quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the Website may not meet your expectations. Alterations to certain aspects of your order such as the merchandise brand, size, color etc.may be required due to limitations caused by availability of product difference in size charts of respective brands etc. Product may exactly not or would not match with the image shown/displayed in the product list.
⁃ Cessation of Operation: Industricart may at any time, in its sole discretion and without advance notice to you, cease operation of the Website and distribution of the Products/Services.
⁃ Entire Agreement: This Agreement comprises the entire agreement between you and Industricart and supersedes any prior agreements pertaining to the subject matter contained herein
⁃ Effect of Waiver: The failure of Industricart to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of this Agreement remain in full force and effect.
⁃ Governing Law; Jurisdiction: This Website originates from Pune, Maharashtra. In case of any dispute, the said dispute shall be subject to Arbitration. Industricart shall appoint an arbitrator of its choice who shall adjudicate on the issue of dispute and the award of the said arbitrator shall be binding upon both the Parties. However, all the disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Law situated at Pune City.
⁃ Statute of Limitation: You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Website or Products or this Agreement must be filed within the stipulated time as per the prevailing law regarding the limitation.
⁃ Waiver of Class Action Rights: By entering into this agreement, you hereby irrevocably waive any right you may have to join claims with those of other in the form of a class action or similar procedural device. Any claims arising out of, relating to, or connection with this agreement must be asserted individually.
⁃ Termination: Industricart reserves the absolute right to terminate your access to the Website if it reasonably believes, in its sole discretion, that you have breached any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Following termination, you will not be permitted to use the website , Industricart may, in its sole discretion and without advance notice to you, cancel any outstanding orders for Products. If your access to the Website is terminated, reserves the right to exercise whatever means it deems necessary to prevent unauthorized access of the Website. This Agreement will survive indefinitely unless and until Industricart chooses, in its sole discretion and without advance to you, to terminate it.
⁃ Domestic Use: Industricart makes no representation that the Website or Products are appropriate or available for use in locations outside India. Users who access the Website from outside India do so at their own risk and initiative and must bear all responsibility for compliance with any applicable local laws.
⁃ Assignment: You may not assign your rights and obligations under this Agreement to anyone. Industricart may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement in its sole discretion and without advance notice to you.
Disclaimer Of Warranties/Limitation Of Liability
The Company will endeavour to transfer the benefits of any warranty or guarantee given by the manufacturer of goods to the customer.
If warranty offered by the dealer / manufacturer only will be replaced or serviced at the Company’s options, which are proved to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company to be damaged or defective due to faulty material, workmanship or design. And doesn’t include items broken or damaged due to mishandling by the buyers. In case of replace/repair/service, all the returns and delivery charges will be paid by the Customer.
The products are warranted(if offered) under the normal usage against defects in workmanship and materials to the original buyer for the period offered or specified. Software programs are supplied on the strict understanding that the Company does not warrant their function to be free from defects or error. The Company does not write software comprised in the Goods and it is the Customers responsibility to check for the presence of computer viruses before the Goods are used.
This obligation will not apply:
1. a) if the defect arises because the Customer has altered or repaired such Goods without the written consent of the Company;
2. b) if the Customer did not follow the manufacturer instructions for storage, usage, installation, use or maintenance of the Goods;
3. C) if the Customer fails to notify the Company of the defect within the period specified by the supplier from the date of dispatch of the Goods or performance of the Services.
The Company’s sole obligation and liability, should any Supplies prove damaged or defective in accordance with this condition, shall be limited to, at the Company’s option, the repair or replacement of the relevant Goods or the re-performance of the relevant Services or the refund of the price paid for the relevant Supplies.
This website, all the materials and products (including but not limited to software) and services, included on or otherwise made available to you through this site are provided on the said website on available basis without any representation or warranties, express or implied except otherwise specified in writing. Without prejudice to the forgoing paragraph, We does not warrant that:
1. a) This website will be constantly available, or available at all; or
2. b) The information on this website is complete, true, accurate or non-misleading. And not responsible for the delay or inability to use the Website or related Functionalities, the provision of or failure to provide Functionalities.
The Website provides content from other Internet websites or resources and while we tries to ensure that material included on the Website is correct, reputable and of high quality, it cannot accept responsibility if this is not the case. We will not be responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information or for any technical problems you may experience with the Website.
This disclaimer does not apply to any product warranty offered by the manufacturer of the product as specified in the product specifications. This disclaimer constitutes an essential part of this User Agreement.
To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, Electronicscomp.com or its suppliers shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses arising out of or in connection with the Website, its services or this User Agreement.
Without prejudice to the generality of the section above, the total liability of Electronicscomp.com to you for all liabilities arising out of this User Agreement be it in tort or contract is limited to the amount charged to you, against the value of the products ordered by you.
We have no control or prior knowledge of State Taxes or Octroi that may be charged by your state. The buyer/you will be responsible to pay these taxes.
Limitation of Use
The products which are listed or sold at our website are not authorised for use in life support, surgical implantation, nuclear or aircraft applications or for any use or application in which the failure of any component could cause substantial harm to persons or property. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Electronicscomp.com from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and disbursements in connection therewith and interest chargeable thereon) asserted against or incurred by Electronicscomp.com that arise out of, result from, or may be payable by virtue of, any breach or non-performance of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made or obligation to be performed by you pursuant to these Terms.

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